Category: Emotional Intelligence

Charismatic or Emotionally Intelligent Leadership – Two Sides of the Same Coin?

For some time I’ve been intrigued with the concepts of charismatic leadership and emotionally intelligent leadership.  I’ve often wondered if they are “two sides of the same coin” or are they “different”. So first things first, let’s look at the definitions. According to Deiric McCann, co-author of the book Leadership Charisma, leadership charisma is that…
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Emotional Intelligence – Why It Matters Now More Than Ever

In the period “between 2016 and 2030, demand for social and emotional skills will grow across all industries by 26 percent in the United States.” If you want to dramatically improve employee engagement, productivity, and profitability within your organization, you really need to intentionally hire emotionally intelligent people and then train and develop them to…
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The Business Case for Emotional Intelligence

In the time period “between 2016 and 2030, demand for social and emotional skills will grow across all industries by 26 percent in the United States.”(1) If you want to dramatically improve employee engagement, productivity, and profitability within your organization, you really need to intentionally hire emotionally intelligent people and then train and develop them…
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Hiring for Emotional Intelligence

There are hundreds of articles published annually regarding the cost of a bad hire and/or the negative impact of a bad hire on team morale, productivity, revenue, and profit.  There are also millions of dollars invested in applications, platforms, and assessments designed to help companies avoid those bad hires. Why?  Because hiring the right people…
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