Hiring and retaining top talent has become a paramount challenge in today’s competitive landscape. With the increasing demand for skilled professionals outpacing the available workforce, attracting, hiring, and retaining exceptional talent has become an essential cornerstone of organizational success. Globally, countries are reporting an average talent shortage of 77%. In other words, there are only…
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Most of us would agree that organizations that aspire to be successful need a strong, healthy, and engaged culture. Unfortunately, in the current business climate, organizations are struggling with rapid change, finding competitive advantage in a globalized economy, as well as finding, keeping, and motivating a changing workforce. An unhealthy organization culture is the single…
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While an excellent assessment for understanding personality types and team building, Four Quadrant Social Style Assessments (aka DISC type assessments) should never be used for pre-employment (hiring/selection) purposes for the following reasons – they: Are not validated (meant) for pre-employment purposes, Are not (reliable) predictive of a person’s future behavior, Are fake-able, and Present…
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No one enjoys dealing with the fallout of a wrong hiring decision, not the organization, not Human Resources, not the employee’s manager, and certainly not the employee. Research has shown that unconscious bias (i.e., making automatic associations based on characteristics that may have nothing to do with hiring factors such as race, age, gender, disability,…
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I’m often asked, “Why use assessments?” The answer is simple, when you have the right people fully engaged in doing the right things, everything gets better. Further, assessments, when used properly, can have a significant impact on reducing turnover; improving employee-manager relationships; lowering stress; and increasing work ethic, productivity, sales, quality, customer service, and profits.…
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