Category: Hiring, Selection, and Onboarding

Get the Right People on the Bus – Will We Know Them When We Find Them?

Since the publication of Jim Collins’ book, Good to Great in 2001, there’s been a proliferation of books and articles all confirming the importance of “Job Fit”. Because of this, there are lots of managers who fervently endorse the concept of “get the right people on the bus, the right people in the right seats,…
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When Good Applicants Are Scarce, Select for Fit, and Train for Skills

In F. Leigh Branham’s book, Keeping the People Who Keep You in Business, he makes this suggestion; “Interview applicants who may lack traditional qualifications, such as degrees or years of experience, but have the right abilities and can be trained,” (emphasis added). If an employee has the right abilities, training for specific job skills can be both…
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Hiring and Promoting the Best Leaders

Making mistakes in hiring or promoting can be costly to an organization, making mistakes in hiring or promoting people for leadership positions can actually be destructive to your organization. According to the article, “Leadership Turnover Costs More Than You Think” by Kim Turnage in Talent Plus, “for front-line workers the direct costs of turnover is…
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