I’m pleased and honored to announce that Great Lakes Profiles, an authorized partner for Wiley’s PXT SelectTM and their Everything DiSC®, has added The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team®, another of Wiley’s excellent products, to our portfolio of leading edge assessments and training programs. The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team® is a simple,…
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Organizations create functional, cross-functional, and cross-company teams to garner ideas and initiatives from the diverse experiences and talents of their employees. They do so because teams bring numerous advantages – they typically increase productivity, communications, and decision making since members are often closer to the issues. Additionally, teams often bring different backgrounds and a wider…
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While we’re taking a trip down memory lane, here is the list from my 2007 newsletter on ten ways to foster employee engagement. While some have stood the test of time, in hindsight one or two of them might appear to be a bit naïve if not antiquated: Ask employees for suggestions. Let them comment…
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As I began research for this month’s newsletter, I came across one of my old newsletters from 2007. In that newsletter I made reference to Ken Dychtwald’s book, Workforce Crisis, which had been published the previous year. In his book, Ken not only predicted the shortage of skills and talent in today’s workplace, he also…
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Since the dawn of human existence, people have organized into teams to accomplish what no one person could effectively do on their own. But it wasn’t until the late 1920s and early 1930s with the now classic Hawthorne Studies that researches conducted a series of research activities designed to examine in-depth what happened to a…
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