Everything DiSC Assessments

Each of our five Everything DiSC assessments provides in-depth information including tips, strategies, and action plans to help learners become more effective in the workplace.  The five core assessments are:

  • Workplace – Is a broad-based assessment and it’s appropriate for anyone in an organization to take regardless of role. People learn their DiSC styles, understand others’ styles, and learn how to work effectively together. 
  • Work of Leaders – Splits the work of leaders into 3 categories: Vision, Alignment, and Execution. Using the self-ratings of 18 different traits, participants are taught why some leadership behaviors come naturally to them and others require more deliberate effort.
  • Sales – Helps salespeople or people in customer-facing roles understand their sales style, how to read customers’ buying styles, and then adapt their style to meet a customer’s needs.
  • Management – Designed to help managers understand their management styles, learn how to read the styles of the people they manage, and adapt their styles to manage more effectively.
  • Productive Conflict – Designed to help people reflect on how they react in conflict situations, understand the automatic thoughts that trigger destructive conflict, and learn to reframe those thoughts to create a productive response.