Every organization, despite its best efforts in recruiting, hiring, and motivating employees, invariably faces the problem of low performance employees. We all know the signs … tasks which get done, but seldom on time and usually poorly done; absenteeism and tardiness creeping up; and managers who gradually shift some of that person’s workload to other,…
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It’s often said, “You can’t manage what you don’t measure”. While almost a cliché, this statement is especially important for Human Resource professionals. Most HR departments typically measure such things as the time to hire, cost per hire, turnover, absenteeism, lost time due to injuries, etc. While important, limiting their measurements to these types of…
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Envision good performance and communicate your vision. Don’t just nod your head; listen to your direct reports. Don’t ask employees to do something you’re not willing to do yourself. Treat everyone with fairness. Recognize and reward exceptional performance. Never assume; always ask. Say “please” and “thank you” – duh! Under-promise and over-deliver. Leave the frown behind…
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One issue constantly surfaces these days during our presentations to leaders of organizations and, in all candor, it’s an issue which consumes those of us who are helping best-practice companies both attract and retain top talent. That issue is … “you must know your employees well, better than they know themselves.” Much like the song…
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Since the dawn of human existence, people have organized into teams to accomplish what no one person could effectively do on their own. But it wasn’t until the late 1920s and early 1930s with the now classic Hawthorne Studies that researches conducted a series of research activities designed to examine in-depth what happened to a…
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