Four Quadrant Social Style Assessments (aka DISC type assessments) should never be used for pre-employment (hiring) purposes for the following reasons – they: Are not validated (meant) for pre-employment purposes, Are not (reliable) predictive of a person’s future behavior, Are fake-able, and Present an incomplete picture of a candidate. More specifically: DISC type assessments are not validated (meant) for pre-employment purposes. Validity refers to…
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In F. Leigh Branham’s book, Keeping the People Who Keep You in Business, he makes this suggestion; “Interview applicants who may lack traditional qualifications, such as degrees or years of experience, but have the right abilities and can be trained,” (emphasis added). If an employee has the right abilities, training for specific job skills can be both…
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In the author’s words, “Why are there so few leaders in today’s business community? The answer seems to be that most managers don’t understand or know enough about the nuts and bolts of skilled leadership. It’s a difficult subject to master because there are no specifics that can be taught. And it is even more…
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Making mistakes in hiring or promoting can be costly to an organization, making mistakes in hiring or promoting people for leadership positions can actually be destructive to your organization. According to the article, “Leadership Turnover Costs More Than You Think” by Kim Turnage in Talent Plus, “for front-line workers the direct costs of turnover is…
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It’s been said leaders are made and not born. While it’s true many great leaders tend to share certain traits, anyone can learn to be an effective leader if they’re willing to develop the characteristics of leadership. Let’s review some of these key traits common to effective leaders: They promote the vision, mission, and purpose…
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