Introduction to Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence really isn’t something new. Around 350 BC, Aristotle wrote, “Anyone can become angry – that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way – that is not easy.” That’s the essence of Emotional Intelligence. This introduction to Emotional Intelligence explains the neuroscience of emotions as well as the science of emotions.
Course Description
This is designed to introduce the neuroscience of emotions and emotional intelligence, the Genos model of emotional intelligence, and the psychometric properties of the Genos Assessment.
Classroom or Virtual based: A 90-minute interactive module
- Participants learn to identify events that trigger emotions which have an impact on their decisions, behavior, and performance
- One can identify high and low Emotional Intelligence through observation
- One’s level of Emotional Intelligence can be objectively scored
- There is a direct connection between Discretionary Effort and Engagement
- While changing one’s behavior can be difficult, we can choose to change … or not
Assessment (Optional)
The Genos Emotional Intelligence Workplace Behavior Self Report