Mending the Engagement Gap

Driving Organizational Success Through Employee Engagement

Picture yourself smiling and shaking the hand of a new employee on their first day of work. You’re excited because, well, you hired them. This person might be a completely new hire or someone who moved to your team from within the company. Either way, you feel pretty good about them. After all, they came to you with an impressive resume, solid experience, and glowing recommendations.

You think to yourself, “What could go wrong?”

Now imagine things going wrong. Slowly but surely, you watch this employee burn out, underperform, and under-deliver. Picture them showing up late, bored out of their mind, and dragging down the rest of the team with their negative attitude. Imagine your coworkers and teammates feeling defeated and discouraged as they struggle to work with someone who doesn’t seem to care about the work they’re doing. Picture yourself frustrated when, after months of nonproductive work and hours of training, this new employee quits or is asked to leave.

Now you ask yourself a different question, “Was there anything I could’ve done to prevent this?”

The answer, of course, is “Yes!” We’ll toss in an exclamation point for good measure.

Although employee engagement remains one of the most vexing problems facing organizations today, companies around the US are finding success in boosting engagement using a variety of strategies. Yours could be one of them. In his work on employee engagement, world-renowned HR analyst Josh Bersin lays out five basic conditions employees need met to engage with their work fully. In this eBook, we examine those five factors, how PXT Select™ helps companies meet them, and what other organizations are doing to engage their employees and beat the odds right now.

Let’s get started.

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