State of Hiring

Insights into the challenges and opportunities more than 3,000 hiring managers are facing in a year unlike any other, and why the time for organizations to rebuild—better than before—is now.

In the midst of what continues to feel like a rollercoaster of social and economic upheavals, organizations are faced with a once-in-a-generation need to rebuild their systems and practices for the long-haul—in a way that even the 2008-09 Great Recession did not demand.

The COVID-19 pandemic and other events of 2020 have necessitated a complete reimagining of “business as usual,” revealing existing inefficiencies, from workflows to supply chains; casting an unflattering spotlight on long-standing corporate practices that perpetuate inequalities; and forcing organizations to reckon with the need for rapid innovation and crisis management. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

But if the stress-test of 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that crisis creates opportunity. Rebuilding is necessary, but rebuilding better than before promises the prized long-term payoff. And this conscientious effort begins with organizations equipping themselves with the best talent on the market—sharp, innovative professionals ready to tackle today’s big challenges and create a brighter tomorrow. So how can organizations accomplish this feat?

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