The Five Behaviors – Personal Development
The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team® Personal Development was created to help individuals become better teammates using the model described in Patrick Lencioni’s best-selling book, The Five Dysfunction of a Team. Participants do not all need to be part of the same team. Learners at all levels of an organization can benefit from this program.
Course Description
The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team: Personal Development is a half-day program with seven modules, each of which builds on the previous one helping participants see how each behavior serves as a foundation for the next.
Classroom based – Seven 15- to 50-minute modules in a half-day session
- You and the Five Behaviors
- Building Trust
- Mastering Conflict
- Achieving Commitment
- Embracing Accountability
- Focusing on Results
- Developing an Action Plan
- Learn about your personal tendencies as a teammate
- Explore the concept of vulnerability-based trust and why it matters
- Understand that conflict is necessary, get more comfortable with engaging in it
- Learn what is necessary for teams to truly commit to decisions
- Discover personal Accountability tendencies and consider how to improve
- Understand collective results and how individual priorities can threaten them
- Review habits and make an action plan to implement one of them
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