The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team®

The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team® 

The Five Behaviors Of A Cohesive Team

Based on the work of Patrick Lencioni’s international best-seller The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team helps teams apply The Five Behaviors™ model of Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results.  It is appropriate for use with intact teams at all levels of the organization

Course Description

The program uses Everything DiSC, a tool that helps build effective team communication and relationships, to help participants understand their individual DiSC® style and discover how each style brings value to the team.  The program includes 7 modules, DiSC Profiles for each participant, one-on-one Comparison Reports, and a Team Progress Reports.


Classroom based:  Either a 1-day or a 3-day program

  • You and the Five Behaviors
  • Building Trust
  • Mastering Conflict
  • Achieving Commitment
  • Embracing Accountability
  • Focusing on Results
  • Developing an Action Plan


  • Discover the value of establishing a cohesive, functional team
  • Obtain practical advice for overcoming the obstacles that prevent teamwork in the office
  • Learn what it takes for a team to become cohesive
  • Provide the emotional grounding for team members to establish trust and commitment
  • Create a commitment among team members about how the team will succeed
  • Give the team the information they need to follow through on a team developed plan
  • Learn how to improve team effectiveness through strengthened leadership roles


The full adaptive version of Everything DiSC, a team survey, and a team culture questionnaire