
Why Training?

We don’t train people just to train them. We strategically assess how training contributes to the organization’s mission, values, and bottom line.

Organizations invest in training with the expectation of improved business results. We define how training contributes to the organization’s mission and core competencies – what do learners do differently and better that contributes to their personal and business success?

Learning produces performance improvement only when it is transferred and applied to the employees work. We not only focus on the structured learning experience but we complete the experience by including pre-course preparation and post-instruction learning opportunities to ensure that new skills and knowledge are applied.

For training to pay dividends in terms of improved results, we make sure that:

  • Each topic is firmly linked to business needs
  • Examples and exercises are realistic and relevant to the organization
  • Post-course follow-through is made available
  • Results are documented and the course impact is assessed to ensure that the “investment” (your staff) is producing a good ROI
  • Time is provided for learners to link new insights to present skill level and experiences
  • Learners practice new skills

What We Offer

In addition to hundreds of training modules and 40 different courses, we design and develop customized courses to fit the needs of our clients. Our goal is to create a collaborative partnership with our clients. Together, we strategically assess, define, develop and deliver the highest quality and relevant learning solutions for employees.

Specifically, we:

  • Deliver high energy instructor-led training
  • Certify the organization’s trainers to facilitate our courseware
  • Work with poor functioning teams to become re-aligned resulting in higher performance
  • Assist organizations in managing all phases of a change initiative
  • Deliver organization and employee assessments
  • Provide one-on-one leadership coaching
  • Facilitate strategic planning and visioning
  • Facilitate executive retreats

Training Modules

Change Management

Compliance Training

Customer Service and Sales

Effective Meetings and Presentations

Leadership and Supervisory Skills

Manufacturing Leadership

Personal Development

Project Management

Team Building